
Friday, April 27, 2012

Fly Like an Eagle

Young Adult Bald Eagle 01a

Living out in the countryside has many benefits with one of the more interesting ones being the variety of wildlife that inhabit the area. Bald eagles have been making a comeback over the past couple of decades and lately have been moving into the Yucatan area. For some reason I never have a camera when one is around. Today that changed, though I was not able to get good pictures in the end.

My father came downstairs and announce he had been watching quite an aerial show. Puzzled, I asked if a crop duster was in the area again. No, he had been watching a bald eagle fight with a turkey vulture over a carcass and had not bothered to let me know it was going on…

Bald Eagle versus Crow

I rushed to get my telephoto lens onto my Canon  Digital Rebel so that I could get some photos. Of course, the big battle was long over and the eagle had the dead critter to himself. Well, at least until a crow tried to horn in.

Young Adult Bald Eagle 02Young Adult Bald Eagle 03

That led to some squawking and soon a chase was on, though I was never able to get the crow into the frame again.

Young Adult Bald Eagle 04

Having chased off the crow, the young eagle came back to its prey, which looked like it was either a large rabbit or a woodchuck. Hard to tell given the distance. But soon the irate raptor was air born again to chase off gathering vultures and that was the last I saw of it.

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