
Monday, January 16, 2012

Health 1-16-2012

Burned out from the weekend, which means it was a good weekend. It is odd living a life that seems to play out as a reverse of most people’s. Most await the weekend to recover from the week and I await the week to recover from the weekend.

Crossword puzzle was longer than my usual, but within acceptable limits. Audiosurf, however, did not go well. Simply cannot concentrate properly and actually had problems keeping my eyes open. Today is also not a good pain day.

For the past week I have moved to using my left thumb to control the game on my Xbox 360 controller in an effort to strengthen it. Since late summer, the thumb has been stiffening and snapping, not just popping and alternates between a dull ache and sharp pain. So far, so good in strengthening it but have miles to go yet. Pain and discomfort have lessoned after seven days with flexibility starting to return.


  1. You have an Xbox? And you didn't tell us? I'm appalled you wouldn't include us in such a beautiful thing...

  2. No, there is no red ring of death machine in this house. However, I have the PC version of the controller which is quite handy for some games, most of which I haven't played yet. Which reminds me, I should install the baseball game I have on the living room media center!


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