
Sunday, December 04, 2011

Drone Shot Down by Iran?

Show me the pictures or it did not happen is my response. Claiming to do a thing for propaganda purposes is not something unknown with the Iranian government. What makes it interesting is the claim that it was a RQ-170 and that it was forced down mostly intact.

If true, it would be a coup for them in more ways than one since it has advanced stealth construction and materials. While I am no fan on relying on drones, I am skeptical that they succeed in shooting down a stealth aircraft. There will be quite a few repercussions if this does turn out to be true.

I am amused that all the photos I have seen from the news agencies reporting this have shown anything but a RQ-170 Sentinel. So far I have seen decidedly unstealthy Predators from the clueless media. You would think they are able to use Google to find the right bird!


It appears the Iranians may have gotten their hands on a RQ-170 after all. According to The Telegraph, NATO has admitted to losing control of a drone over western Afghanistan last week. No admission of a shoot down, but a crash has not been ruled out. Looks like we just gave Iran a free peek into top secret stealth technology.


Oh and this is what the drone looks like, for those searching for a picture.

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