
Monday, November 07, 2011

Taking Care of Business

Today was all about the title and it went well for a change. There is nothing like clearing out unexpected bills and realizing you will have more money than you expected left over. In this case it was a dental bill that hit me out of the blue and had me worried.

It has been an interesting several days. Rampant silliness during Saturday night’s gaming session seems to have been a good beginning to it all. We were dangerously close to “shoe drop” territory all night so much fun was had.

Sunday was quite the day at church. When I arrived a tad late due to a combination of starting out slowly and then being in slow traffic (harvest and hunting season at the same time), I found myself in the overflow section. Which promptly overflowed and required more folding chairs brought in! It has been a long time since I’ve seen that.

Fast and testimony sacrament meetings are always different and once again I felt prodded to go up and give my testimony. Unusually, the Spirit had me scripture diving beforehand and had a very direct push for me to talk about fear. Specifically, how we are to fear not despite all that is going on. Since my fears are on the selfish side I did not go into them, but it is clear I need to work on that.

I can say that I transitioned to fight mode from self pity mode while driving to church, so something is up. Don’t know what and probably don’t want to know what.

Anyway, I was called and set apart to be an Elders Quorum instructor in addition to staying as a ward missionary. In fact, my first lesson to teach is this coming Sunday. It might be a good idea to find out which lesson we are on since I confuse chapter places with Gospel Essentials class. Having taught every lesson out of the Gospel Principles manual, I could probably do it in my sleep. However, one needs to prepare no matter how versed they are.

This morning, I ran into a deal at Amazon for The Greatest Video Game Music album by the London Philharmonic Orchestra for a whopping $2.99. There were multiple tracks I wanted so I got the whole deal and it is well worth it. Standouts for me are Mass Effect: Suicide Mission, Bioshock: The World On His Shoulders, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, and Modern Warfare 2: Theme. Others will delight in the full orchestral versions of classic console games such as Final Fantasy and Super Mario Bros. It was a nice way to start the day off.

Time to up how much H2O2 I take in daily. Another attempt to taper off has resulted in negative consequences. It appears I can’t get below two dosages a day without things going backwards. Ah well.

At least I was able to be out and about three days in a row again.

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