
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Odd and Ends

After having to come up with new titles to posts all the time, I decided to reuse this particular title for my more trivial posts. Recycling is good, or so they say.

Raccoons are nasty, vicious, and unsanitary critters despite the washing food thing they do. We have been afflicted with a rarity around here, a stealthy raccoon. Multiple times I have entered the bathroom to see its tail in the cat door as it silently escapes after raiding the cat food in the kitchen. Hopefully, the new smaller cat door will keep it out. It is also elusive once outside and hunting it down has been a futile quest.

What does the English custom of tea have to do with computer history? More than one would think as this article on LEO, the first business computer, shows. I would have thought a bank would have built the first one, but reality is wonderfully stranger than fiction.

After becoming dissatisfied with the quality of screen captures from VLC, I have switched back to WMP12 for the time being. I probably need to do more research into setting on VLC, but so far I have been unable to get it to use the ATI videocard’s built in deinterlacing that is superior to the software options. At least the Bleach screen captures will look better from now on.

With Call of Duty: MW3 and The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim coming out in the same week I am very grateful not to be a hard core gamer. Game prices are ludicrously high at release these days and often you are paying so that the bugs will be fixed for the bargain hunters later on. Class me as one of the bargain hunters. Only Mass Effect 3 has me tempted that way and it isn’t due to March. More time to build up resistance, right?

Watched Will Penny thanks to Netflix last night. What a great movie. I think it is one of the few to really portray what it was like to be a cowboy and that ending was perfect. Anybody who thinks Chuck Heston couldn’t act needs to watch this film.

Is Episode 4 of Squid Girl season 2 the funniest of the entire show? It has to be of the second season so far. The first part focusing on learning English is hilarious, but the other two segments are top notch too.

For those who have given up on Bleach, now is the time to try it out again. The current arc is worth checking out and Episode 342 is where to begin. Even if you have read the current arc in the manga, a lot of fleshing out and expansion is being done, apparently with the creator’s involvement.

I am hoping to take advantage of the Metropolitan Opera’s live HD broadcasts to theaters in the near future. Unfortunately, I was not able to go see Siegfried from the Ring Cycle when it ran last week. Faust is the next one up that interests me, so we will see.

This archive has some stupendous photos from the heady days of high performance flight including shots of the A-12, YF-12, SR-71, XB-70, and X-15 among others. Man, the Valkyrie was a beautiful aircraft.


  1. Games are too expensive and expansive to be just a part-time hobby anymore. It's too easy for some people to do nothing else but play games.

    That's crazy about the raccoon too! They can get aggressive, so I hope you find a way to keep it out of the house.

  2. My computer could never run those games, so there's no temptation for me. Besides, I can wait until it's "old" and I've upgraded to a computer that's equally "old" (my Sony Vaio only has a Pentium 4). By then the game will go for $15-20, AND I'll be able to dowload all the bugfixes to date, as well as any mods I may want. Seriously, I'm just now playing through Age of Mythology; it was released in '02!

  3. Hanny - Oh the raccoon stories I could tell! There was the time I was on the roof one raining night trying to get a clean shot...

    Chad - That's why I buy the games on sale around $10 on Steam and then forget to play them. I may have some older games you might be interested in from a decade ago. Ever play the Medal of Honor series?

  4. I never finished the original MOH Allied Assault as a teenager, as my parent's computer ran Windows ME. I have to say, I think I prefer Windows v. 3.1 circa 1992 to Moron Edition. Also, I played the very beginning of MOHAA Spearhead.


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