
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

2011 Come Back Here!

So it is November already. This year has flown by with most goals I had set out for the new year unmet and quite a few not started. Oddly, I am not alone in this and almost everyone I know have experienced the same thing. There is a modicum of comfort knowing that.

After a lousy week with health problems, this one is a bit better. Still not where I need to be, but I did survive an active weekend including a Halloween party. So far I have not escaped the need to nap in the afternoon, but I have hope that will change shortly.

I had the cheapest Halloween costume yet. It consisted of a ratty long sleeve T-shirt, jeans, and an empty box of Trix that I ran through multiple times with a kitchen knife. Yes, I was a cereal killer. I actually had something else planned but had a last minute flash of inspiration while talking to a Kwik Trip clerk.

Odd place to get an idea, but I’ll take ‘em where I can get ‘em.

The Trix rabbit’s eyes still haunt me, though.


  1. Yeah, don't feel too bad about the lack of sucess in goals. remember that vow we all took to solve our singleness problems? I tried.... with a whole two dates. The first a cute girl from church, and the other a *really* nice girl from work (who I found I rather liked). "Just friends"; those deadly words. I shouldn't say any more, as this is getting into the subject of a post for later. Probably early February. -sigh-

  2. Hey, you did better than I did.

    Dread one Valentine's Day at a time, I say. Besides, you need to dread Turkey Day,Christmas and New Years first.


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