
Monday, September 12, 2011

Health 9-12-2011

That was an unpleasant couple of nights with little sleep. Too much pain to rest and too tired to resist the pain made for a vicious little cycle. At least I made it to church yesterday even if I had to leave early.

The spine repeatedly popped the entire time at church, mostly in my bad spots. Strange.

I ordered a UV wand from an Amazon sale and will be using it to try to control dust mites. Even if it works, it will probably be a futile gesture but I feel the need to do something. The food grade hydrogen peroxide is yet to arrive and I suspect it will awhile yet. Did get the glass eyedropper bottle for it though.

Not feeling ambitious. Instead I’m dizzy – at least that proves I’m awake!


According to the daily crossword puzzle and Audiosurf, today should be a much better day.

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