
Friday, September 16, 2011

Garr! or is it Gar! Maybe GAAARRHH?

That is the question. For some reason I was unable to sleep at all last night and my resulting mood is conveyed by the word.

I eventually did get some sleep from 7:30 AM to Noon, but am at a loss to explain why I could not sleep before.

Perhaps it was handling a C93 Sporter 5.56mm at a store last night. I do have an H&K clone fever of some kind and a sub $600 rifle that is a fixer upper is tempting. But by the time corrections would be made, it would be in the range of the PTR-91 I covet so much.

Gharrr! Garr? GAAHRR?!

However it is spelled, I need to stop saying it or the cats will think I am a pirate.

I should get that Summer Wars review written and posted before I forget what the film was about…

Oh and today is day one of H2O2 therapy since the stuff finally arrived. We will see if there is anything to it.

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