
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

2011 Minnesota Renaissance Festival Photo Tour Part 4

RenFest 2011 38 Vegetable Justice

Vegetable Justice is one of the perennial draws at the festival. Appealing to the dark side of human nature for its entertainment value, it consists of the target hurling abusive comments at the participants who, in return, hurl tomatoes. This lass flinched a bit too much in my opinion.

RenFest 2011 39 Chad Throws Tomato

Chad could not resist the temptation to work out his anger issues. Maybe that girl was right to flinch…

RenFest 2011 42 Train

The location of the festival is right next to train tracks and for the first time I saw one go by. It added to the surreal blending of eras already present.

RenFest 2011 40 Oncoming Storm

After Chad failed to score a hit on the Vegetable Justice girl, the weather decided to get a tad hostile. Wind blew, light rain spat, and dust kicked up into the air.

RenFest 2011 41 Elephant Rides

Getting out of the rain for a bit of rest, I switched to the 55-200mm lens in one of the shops.  A test shot of the animal rides confirmed that I managed not to get any dust in the camera. While you can see the elephants, the camel there is not present in the picture. No unicorns to ride, thankfully.

RenFest 2011 62 Blacksmith Nerd Heaven

At 1:00 PM there was a blacksmithing demonstration which was irresistible to our would be smiths, Brannick and Christian. Chad and I took off to check out the martial arts demonstration instead. That I’ll cover in a separate post.

RenFest 2011 63 Gypsies for Amber

I took this picture of gypsies pulling a cart just for Amber. I know she’ll appreciate it.

RenFest 2011 64 Knife Thrower

While half our group spoke to the dojo members about swords, I noticed blades of another sort being used a good distance away. Not used to the bigger lens, I decided to test it out. To my surprise it had enough reach to take decent pictures.

RenFest 2011 65 Spinning Target

Once the Canon 55-200mm EF-S locked on, I became obsessed with capturing a knife in mid air.

RenFest 2011 66 Flying Blade

After multiple shots, the last one produced a knife flying through the air at the spinning target. I love this lens!

RenFest 2011 67 Juggler

Juggling followed the knife throwing and involved catching a lighted torch from another performer, then lighting the other torches with it while juggling them. I see a future tossing multiple pizzas at once in this guy’s future.

To be continued…

Click for Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

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