
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

2011 Minnesota Renaissance Festival Photo Tour Part 2

RenFest 2011 12 Pub Music

As we wandered the grounds the sound of singing could be heard and very good singing at that. The melodious sounds drifted out of The Pub, which oddly enough, is a pub.

RenFest 2011 13 Pub Singers

With most of the group wanting to keep pressing on, we didn’t get a chance to tarry there and these hurried snapshots cannot convey how good the group was. Alas, my Canon Digital Rebel does not take video at all.

RenFest 2011 14 Kids Ride

Child torture device or good wholesome fun? You decide.

RenFest 2011 15 Gypsies

Whilst wandering about and looking like tourists, we were assailed called out to by gypsies seeking an audience. No, they were not seeking to curry favor, they were after warm bodies to watch their act, the Fandazzi Fire Circus. As you can see, they were quite poor and had resorted to eating fire for sustenance.

RenFest 2011 16 Flaming Whips

The show started with flaming whip cracking, which was sadly not done to Devo.

RenFest 2011 17 Flaming Fan Dancers

Flaming fan dancers were next up. The lass on the right took a tumble as soon as she came out. She hit the stage hard and it clearly was not part of the act. But she recovered to perform as pictured.

RenFest 2011 17 Blowing Fire

Next up was an old soft shoe dance routine – with flames.

RenFest 2011 18 Gypsies Have Bad Halitosis

Now I’d always heard bad things about gypsy hygiene, but marked that off to being prejudiced. However, it is obvious they have bad breath as the photo illustrates. At least they aren’t unicorns.

RenFest 2011 19 Dueling Flames

I wish I’d used the bigger zoom lens. Too many shots of people’s heads. Still, I was pleased with catching the flames clearly.

 RenFest 2011 20 Fire Dancing

Chain twirling followed. The rest of the performance was lackluster with many a dropped flaming baton. It appears that they all had too much of a Friday night.

RenFest 2011 21 Into the Enchanted Forest

After the performance ended, we decided to check out the Enchanted Forest. To enter you pass by what used to be a hobbit hole. Sadly, no hobbits are to found in it like ten years ago. The trail took us past many a scaled down fairy house and informative signs about said residences.

RenFest 2011 21 View from the Forest

After descending down the trail, a sudden vista comes into view. It is quite lovely emerging from the dark forest to behold this.

RenFest 2011 22 The Secret Garden

The trail was a bit crowded and there was a sign promising a Secret Garden. Near the end of the walk we found it and singing going on.

RenFest 2011 25 Secret Garden Singing

It was a nice performance and well deserving of a tip.

RenFest 2011 23 Tiny Waterfall

Opposite of the bards was a small waterfall and pond perfectly in scale for fairies.

RenFest 2011 26 Notice

Upon exiting, this sign is encountered. Good to know everything is in order.

To be continued…

Part 1 can be found here.

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