
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Health 8-9-2011

My dislike of talking about my health has translated to procrastinating in posting about it here. This is actually about problems on the 6th and 7th.

Saturday wasn’t wonderful, but I made it into the city for a gaming session. By the end of it I was in more pain than usual and got home late. Sleep did not come easily with an excruciating flare up of the abdominal pain I’ve been experiencing.

Sunday wasn’t just an endurance run, but a torture run. By the third hour of church I was in considerable pain again and missed the baptism afterwards because I knew I was fading fast. The drive home was miserable and I went to bed soon after arriving.

Eventually things improved and I have to wonder if the elderly hot dogs I ate on Saturday were the cause of the severe distress. I still am dealing with twinges but they are not nearly as bad as during the weekend. With things up in the air for the week, I’m not considering going to the doctor until next week. If I do, that is.

I keep hoping this will pass.


Forgot to write that I’ve been sneezing and dopey since Sunday night. Might be a bug involved since it affected more than the sinuses. Not a great week so far.

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