
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Health 8-24-2011

Note: Written under duress from myself to be conscientious about logging problems.

Bad night again, this time from having my left eye begin to burn and weep uncontrollably. Looks like pink eye from the light discharge this morning. So much for going out to get a haircut and drop by some of my home teachees.

Also sniffling quite a bit, so I’m leaking all over.

Sleeping in to recover the lost time from last night failed. Massive muscle cramps in the left calf and a lesser one in the right were the culprits. I’m still limping hours later from it. When I was younger I’d occasionally have bouts of this but not this severe.

The irony is I ate two large bananas yesterday including one a couple of hours before going to bed.

Also, in case I forgot to document it, I’ve been feeling somewhat better since discontinuing taking vitamin D 1000 units. Not only did it not help, I suspect it made me worse.

My body has no respect for current opinion, I’m afraid.

Crossword puzzle went okay, Audiosurf not so much. I blame Rush for being tricksy in their song compositions. Yeah… that was it…

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