
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Health 8-16-2011

I’m writing this just before doing weight training, something I haven’t done in months. It has been a torturous year of health problems and every goal I set was obliterated before I could make any headway.

The Ames Straw Poll was a good day for me. Somehow I managed to pace myself perfectly for once and made it through amazingly well. Sunday was better than expected with Monday only being a let down because I got over ambitious with my plans. 

Food grad H2O2 is something I think I will be trying out soon. Having a set back in weight loss due to many upper respiratory infections has caused me to consider detoxifying. It has been a thought for some time but a series of discussions on the bus Saturday makes me want to do something now.

In the past year I’ve discovered the healing powers of Vasoline for various skin problems. As an experiment, I tried it out on the worst of my sunburns from Saturday and they are fading faster than the burns I didn’t treat. Of course I’ve been avoiding the sun to aid the process, but that’s what I always do. So far so good and I’ve expanded to the burns on my neck, face, and ears. They’d already begun peeling a little in spots.

Weight loss is going to be my priority again. Hopefully I can get the digestive track to work properly again. The pains I’d had since July have moved downward and are lessoning. Waiting it out seems to be paying off.


That felt good – psychologically speaking. Weights went surprisingly well with only a ten pound reduction in the more difficult routines. The rest were at my normal maximum and no shortened sets.

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