
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Health 8-11-2011

Yesterday was not wonderful. Had to go out and activate the new cellphone, which is annoying in itself. But the real problem was how badly I was shaking. We picked up cheap sandwiches and drinks at Kwik Trip and I could barely hold on to them.

My hands always shake to some degree, but this included the arms as well. Later I overheated while we were sorting family photos to finally put into albums after decades of neglect. Today isn’t as bad, but I am very spacey.

Having to drive five miles to get a password text message to create an online account didn’t help things. That became a race against the secure page expiring on the PC at home. At least that race was won.

Crossword puzzle was easy, Audiosurf very mixed as I faded out quickly – no endurance.

Not a good sign for the trip up to the Cities tomorrow and the bus trip to Ames, Iowa the next day. Only dread one day at a time, like my mother taught me.

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