
Monday, August 01, 2011

Chicken Tracks

One thing I’ve noticed about when I get overtired is the tendency toward malapropos when speaking or writing. It is very irritating to realize that the wrong word was used well after the fact. So when I logged in today and saw that I’d titled the last post “Chicken Scratches” I was not amused.

When I wrote that title, in my head was the imagery of what my notes and print writing looks like. Those of us who print too quickly can be accused of putting “chicken tracks” on paper. How “scratches” got in there I do not know.

Now for some more randomness as I willfully go off topic.

While off in the big medium small city, I ran across a gun shop that was unknown to me. Curious to see what they have, one of the first things beheld upon entering is afflicting me with a bad case of the wants. It is a new DPMS Panther Oracle in .308/7.62 caliber. Think of an M-4 but with a much bigger punch.

For some time, I’ve wanted a .308 semi-auto to fill a true multirole capability. Something that can take deer or larger game down but also be something useful if the world decides to end while I wasn’t watching. But most of all, after getting an Enfield SMLE I fell in love with shooting bigger rounds. Which is not what I expected at all.

One thing saving me from getting too covetous of the rifle is the short barrel. I want something longer for hunting purposes, though I concede that my shaky hands probably render the extra range useless. It is also why I need the ability to put a second round downrange ASAP when I miss. Sigh.

Back to reality.

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