
Friday, July 01, 2011

Health 7-1-2011

We are having a mini heat wave, it will be 100 F with a heat index of 106 or better.  I’m trying to both clean and take it easy, which isn’t working out too well. I wonder why?

Still dizzy and congested, but ever so slowly improving. Only had to get up once last night during a coughing fit, which was short and productive. At least I can breath again!

Lately, I’ve been doing crossword puzzles on Yahoo games to keep my mind going and to gauge how well it is working on a given day. Normal time is 11-15 minutes for me but during the worst of this bug it has been 20-35 minutes – roughly double. I wish to note that these crossword puzzles are not exactly the most challenging out there and I’m appalled by even my best times.

Did not sleep well last night due to the coughing fit and back pain. The pain flare up surprised me and it wasn’t until thunder and lightning showed up that I understood the cause. Nothing quite like being a human barometer.

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