
Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

It is a good thing to remember how this country was founded and the immense sacrifices made by our founding fathers. Many who signed the Declaration of Independence ended up losing everything during the Revolutionary War and I wonder how many today would take that kind of risk. Sadly, this is not a time of optimism or hope in the United States with the future looking quite bleak. But at least for a day, we should set aside our differences and despair to celebrate the grand experiment that began in the late 1700’s.

On a more local note, I was glad to see a lot of people turn out for the annual La Crosse Ward “picnic”/cherry pit spitting contest. No, I didn’t compete because I was out of spit, as usual. Elder Tataipu won convincingly with a 42 foot spit, easily outdistancing everyone else. Score one for the full time missionary from Hawaii!

I’m wobbly from the weekend, it has been an endurance run. Saturday night I ended up in charge of the fireworks again and that was exhausting, though fun. We probably spooked every critter in the Yucatan valley with our light and sound show. There are leftovers, so we’ll be well prepared for next year.

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