
Thursday, July 07, 2011

Don’t Bring Me Down

It looks like rain again. The sky is overcast and the weather service predictions changed from a clear weak to chances of thunderstorms every day. What is this, Seattle?

Yesterday, I went outside to tag damaged and “junk” trees with spray paint for the eventual purpose of having them cut down by a neighbor. To my dismay, I found the mini wind break of asian elms is in dire shape but not due to the wind damage. The large one on the South end contracted wet wood years ago and I’ve been lobbying to get it cut down. Sadly, it is too late and every tree in the line is now showing symptoms – including a very large cotton wood.

The entire line of trees has to be cut down before the disease spreads to the oak, maples, and willow. Sigh.

Originally, the line of trees planted by my late mother was supposed to be kept at shrub height and be decorative. But it was too much for me to maintain and I let it go. Personally, I thought it turned out better looking that way and it served as a nice windbreak. In the end, the little trees took the brunt of the wind damage last Friday along with the back yard maple that always gets damaged. So they did their duty, but I’m not happy losing them.

At least my external back up hard drive has already been replaced. I ordered it on Tuesday and received it yesterday to my shock. came through and I didn’t even pay for shipping. All I can figure is that the warehouse must be in Minnesota for the drive to make it that quickly.

So now equipped with a Maxell 1 TB drive, I was able to image the boot drive – a big improvement over simply backing up critical personal files. It also has a rocker switch for turning on and off, not a pushbutton like the Western Digital. That drive would turn itself on every time the power went out and came back on, which is what I suspect killed it.

Oh good, the sun is peeking out. It would be nice to get the garden and yard dried out but I’m not holding my breath. Speaking of the garden, I had to do a second round of planting peas since only a few plants came up. It will be interesting to see if we produce much given the weather.

More tired than usual today, but got some needed things done the last couple of days including a Home Teaching visit, grocery shopping, and cleaning and maintenance work on the Mini-14. it shouldn’t have the misfeeds and odd lock opens now.

The sun is hiding again, time to wrap this up and get to work on the long delayed TRON: Legacy review.

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