
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cat’s in the Cradle

Cats have often been associated with being muses for writers or at least their regular companions. There is a drawback to this and that is trying to type around a cat who insists on being held. It simply does not work.

Cat extortion usually follows their being put down. Oh, it would be bad if the computer power cables were messed with, wouldn’t it?  You know, those speakers could have an accident, you don’t want that do ya?

Then there is the thing I dread the most: cat surprise.  Cat surprise involves running full tilt into the room and jumping on me without warning or looking to see if there is even a remote chance of a safe landing. Often it results in keyboard abuse as well.

At least I don’t use a mouse. In my early days of home computing, I found out that a moving cord invites temptation, not to mention carpal tunnel syndrome. Trackballs are a wonderful solution as long as you clean the cat hair out of them.

For some inexplicable reason, I fail to find my cats inspirational or anything close to being like muses. Obviously I’m doing something wrong.

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