
Saturday, June 04, 2011

When Too Many Rules & Regulations Kill

This is obscene.  Watching someone die for an hour because you won’t violate the workplace rules is morally and ethically wrong.  People will say he was killing himself so it didn’t matter, but the guy chose one of the slowest and easiest stopped methods he could. If that wasn’t a desperate cry for help, I don’t know what is. Oh and it was shallow water to boot.

I can’t help but think union rules were involved in the formulation of the regulations, given that this is San Francisco. The firefighters who were on scene are subscum. Wait, I take this back. That’s an insult to the lower varieties of scum. Their failure to act was truly evil.

This is also an object lesson of why one shouldn’t put faith in their government to save them or do the right thing. Sadly, the body was recovered by a civilian who swam out.  That says a lot about the direction the country is going, especially if you look to California as a model for the future.

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