
Thursday, June 02, 2011

Muddlin’ About

Finally over the bout with shingles for the most part and a little frustrated with having even lower than normally low levels of energy. My hands have been too shaky to paint miniatures or work on plastic models, so that has rankled a bit too.

Just finished watching Citizen Kane for review purposes and once again was blown away by what a great film it is.  I’ll have to watch the documentary on the second disc, then do screen captures from both. It is a nice change of pace from the fantasy and science fiction I’ve been writing about and well needed.

Also received a Frank Herbert omnibus with Whipping Star, The Dosadi Experiment, The Santaroga Barrier, and Soul Catcher complete and unabridged in it.  Only read Soul Catcher many years ago and am looking forward to reading about the Bureau of Sabotage in the first two novels.  Glenn Reynolds mentioned the concept of it in a post over at Instapundit earlier in the week and I had to look it up.  Fortunately, I found a cheap used hardcover on Amazon and got it today.

I suppose I should write something positive about some of the good manga and anime out there soon, but I feel like procrastinating on that. It is too easy for me to get burned out on a genre if I have to deal with it for a lengthy amount of time.


  1. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Hi there, I like your blog, and want you to visit mine, if you can, and follow if you will and I will follow you also....?


  2. Jesse,

    Sorry for losing this comment for the past two weeks! I'm still learning the comment system since I haven't gotten many.

    I'll check your blog out.



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