
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Health 6-26-2011

Still sick with the upper respiratory infection. As a result, I had to skip out on weekly socializing last night and church today.  A trip out for groceries as a passenger turned into a very nasty test of will last afternoon.  Extreme dizziness and nausea made it a surreal experience – amazing what a sinus infection can do to the inner ear. If I’d tried to drive, I would have been in a ditch because it hit me as soon as the car started moving.

A rough night followed as I’m still a little dizzy from the local expedition. So far, so good on avoiding full blown bronchitis though the right bronchial is still being a bit congested. Since I’ve had it twice this year, I’d really like to avoid the hat trick. Upper respiratory infections are so common with CFS sufferers and I’m no exception to that.

Dad it determined that I eat at least 30g of protein for breakfast to assist in losing weight.  That’s a piece of advice he got somewhere and I’m having a hard time justifying the expense. Not to mention the stomach space, that’s a huge amount to consume in one sitting for me. Don’t know if it will be feasible at all to implement into my diet, which has been showing modest results from cutting even more simple carbs out.

Started taking 1000 units a day of vitamin D several weeks ago to boost the immune system, since it is the latest fad. Or repeat of one, as is more likely the case. While too early to tell the results (six weeks is my minimum on trying something), I’m not impressed so far.

I hope I improve quickly, the house needs cleaning this week and I’d like to get the guts of the media center PC transplanted into the newer case. Range time for shooting is desired, but that will have to wait until after the visit. Not that I could hit the broad side of a barn as dizzy as I am at the moment.

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