
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Follow Up on the La Crosse Tornado

Much to my relief, there were no serious injuries. But there is a lot of property damage as can be seen over at The La Crosse Tribune’s gallery of pictures.  From what I’ve heard back from church members, one had his work trailer crushed by a tree and possible house damage.  I know someone who works at the damaged K-Mart and he wasn’t working that day, but I imagine it will make his job interesting for awhile.  Given what happened to Joplin, which is roughly the same size city, I’m very grateful things turned out the way they did.

La Crosse probably won’t get federal disaster relief but Governor Scott Walker has toured the damage. 

Locally, I still haven’t gotten out to see any of the damage near Caledonia, but might today. 

Meanwhile, the people of North Minneapolis and Joplin need our prayers.

It was a tense night and early morning following from wondering how people I know in the area fared.  Most I contacted didn’t suffer any damage and only a few haven’t gotten back to me yet.  This is one of few times no news being good news is true, I think.

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