
Saturday, January 08, 2011

Congresswoman Shot in Arizona

I was hoping to post something more light hearted than this, but it is big news.  My prayers go out to Rep. Giffords, her family, and the families of all that were shot or killed. Details are very murky, much like the Fort Hood shooting and there has been a rush to blame the Tea Party, Glen Beck, Republicans, and conservatives on left wing blogs. Given her stance on tightening security on the border with Mexico, she was getting a lot of flack from the left of late so I find such accusations to be very presumptuous.

Rumors are flying that the police are looking for a second suspect, but once again things are too confused to know what is really going on. Previous rumors claimed an Afghan war veteran shot her and the others. My worry is that this might be a spillover from narco-terrorism in Northern Mexico, where shooting politicians is getting to be common. Anyway you look at it, this is a very bad day in Arizona and the United States.

The willingness of people on the political left to paint the Tea Party as responsible is extremely disturbing and polarizes the country even further.  People need to sit down, take a breath, and wait for the facts to come out.


The shooter is a white male, 22, name is Jared Loughner.  Someone may have fired back at him from the crowd. One gun with an extended clip is being reported, which sounds like a 9mm or 5.7mm to me and explains why so many survived. Rep. Giffords is out of surgery and was responding to verbal commands before despite being shot in the temple. A federal judge appointed by President Bush was also wounded. 18, not 19, shot. One more arrested and a third man is being sought by authorities.

This video screed may be by him, if so it shows a lot of signs of serious mental illness and hatred of government.  Also, it looks something like a suicide note.  He looks to be one sick puppy.


Just viewed his YouTube videos and profile and he’s a left wing anarchist with favorite books including the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf.  One of his videos about being a terrorist includes flag burning as he doesn’t recognize the Old Glory as being constitutional. He also claims the Constitution is brainwashing and has another video on how to be a mind controller.  His hatred of religion comes through very strongly as well. 

He also is very clearly deranged.

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