
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lack of Posting

I’ve been AWOL on posting here for some time now.  At the moment, I am in the midst of making changes to my life and reprioritizing to try to improve my health. As a result, some things dropped in priority and this blog is one of those things.

Starting in February, I’ve been going to pain therapy at Gunderson Clinic to learn coping techniques and relaxation meditation methods to reduce the constant pain I’m in.  The sessions are wrapping up next week and the results have been promising. I’ll be keeping up the meditation techniques on a permanent basis.

Between that, moving back into my room/cleaning house, starting weight training/walks again, and the political convention season there hasn’t been much energy to go around. 

Hopefully, I will get a post or two in later today.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Patrick, I hope your health improves.


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