
Thursday, November 05, 2009

Sex Ed for 5 Year Olds

For some time there has been a United Nations resolution pushing very early sex education to children, all under the guise of protecting “child rights.”  I never thought it would gain any real traction as it was too out there, now I’m not so sure.

Over in England, compulsory sex and drug education will now start with five year olds. This is crazy, especially given the paranoia about pedophilia that is currently gripping the English. Exposing kids to too much information early is not going to reduce teen (and earlier) pregnancies.  Instead, it will encourage them to be more sexual and we have enough problems with the pop culture doing that!

Sometimes I wonder if any sanity is left in our Western governments.  The fact that parents won’t be able to pull their kids from these classes is way too Big Brother for my tastes. Scratch that, way too Brave New World.

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