
Friday, October 02, 2009

Around the Web in 180 Minutes

Okay, it depends on how fast a reader you are, but the following links should keep a person busy for awhile.  My room finally has a ceiling again which needs "mudding" and a few gaps filled yet.  One day I'll get to sleep in my bed again...

Unbalanced Balance

Lately I've been seeing PC's infected by trojans posing as anti-virus software that traces back to the Russian mob.  That caused my antennae to go up and so I found the latest trojan very interesting as it does more than stealing passwords or extorting money to regain control of the computer.  They've finally made one that can intercept and steal money from online banking sessions.  At this rate nothing will be secure on the Net.

Ruining the Hacker's Picnic

Then again, maybe ants are the solution. At least for corporate networks there is a new technology being explored that may counter trojans and other malware faster. Unless this is used by ISP's I don't think it will be of much benefit for home users.  Still it is a fascinating idea and I look forward to hearing more about it.

Need More Sun Cosmic Rayscreen

With the sun being shy of late, refusing to warm the Earth as much and generally not putting out solar flares, another problem has arisen.  Now we are being exposed to increased amounts of cosmic rays.  I wonder which of the Fantastic Four's powers I'll get.  If it is a new ice age coming, I'll hope for the Human Torch's abilities.

So How's That AK-47 vs. M-16 Rivalry going?

Political interference kill business success from what I've seen and no nation is more politically corrupt than Russia.  The AK-47 is one of the most popular weapons of the modern age due to its simplistic ruggedness and reliability.  However, not even that toughness can withstand the corrosive politics in Russia. I'd still prefer to have an AR-15 variant than the Kalashnikov, but it is amazing how far things have fallen over there.  At least the knockoffs of the M-16/AR-15 are superior to the original and it is still being made.

We Aren't Out of the Recession

It is getting to be a weary task to type about all the things going wrong with the economy and Obama's Administration.  There is simply too much material and it is too easy to do, which makes for a depressing exercise. As a result, I'll be posting more about other things.  But one point has to be made and that is the dishonesty about there being an economic recovery right now.  It simply is not happening and there are no concrete signs of it happening soon. Unemployment is still rising, now at 9.8% but closer to double that if you count those who've given up on finding work or taking part time jobs.  Manufacturing is down, durable goods orders are down, credit card and loan defaults are up, and the 95th bank failed for the year.

But the biggest indicator to me that things are going to get worse is the problems charities are facing.  When they are having to assist their own workers, things are dire.  We'll be seeing soup kitchens and tent cities in the future.  I pity the young, for they most likely will never know the standard of living we've had since the 1950's.

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